Mar 10Liked by Richard Dubin

Misdirection... The Magician's favorite prop.. Exists every step of our lives as Distraction.. And the focus that Watts is talking about is mostly overlooked by humanity, because understanding the source, is far more work than convincing ourselves that we are all there is... I truly loved this episode, it reminded me of talks and walks, between A Magician and a Cool Cat.. Thank you for creating this space where if we choose to share we can.. Nature has always soothed my soul and allowed me to be connected with all creatures.. And the more we can lose Ego and the more we can unravel the constant noise.. The better chance we have of connecting to The Entire Universe... And cutting through the Maya. Thank you G. S., Richard for this opportunity, of Acting Human. πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’•and better understanding ourselves and others. πŸ˜‡

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Mar 10Liked by Richard Dubin

Great piece and wonderful video attached.

Here is a quote I like as well:

The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. -Frank Herbert, DUNE

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Herbert may've got that from Watts. Most likely they each got it from someone else. It's contagious. Like your very funny salmon gag. Pure Korzypski. The menu is not the meal.

Feel free to post it here. Made me laugh. Thanks for jumping in.

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Mar 20Liked by Richard Dubin

I loved Jim Carey's statement. Where did you find it? I would rewrite it just a touch:

I feel like a human [girl?] experiencing the universe AND I feel like the universe experiencing a human [girl?}. . .often simultaneously!

Dubin, your brilliant writings help with that simultaneously part. Thanks.

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Remember when there were 'girl' singers? Great rewrite.

Don't recall where I found the Jim Carey quote. I clearly remember girl singers.

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Mar 18Liked by Richard Dubin

I love this episode, too. It offers magic, Andrew Weil, Alan Watts, AND Dubin! I mean, WOW!!! Watts has always been a touchstone to me, ever since I heard about and then read "The Wisdom of Insecurity," which I return to regularly. Can't recommend it enough. Thanks for including the Watts video, Dubin. Can't get enough of that either.

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Watts it all about - see what I did there?

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